
A python package based on PyTorch and NumPy to support the study of different sorts of disordered nano-material networks for natural and energy-efficient analogue computing. Particularly, it has been applied to the concept of dopant network processing units (DNPUs), a novel and promising CMOS-compatible nano-scale tunable material with potentially very low power consumption at inference stage. The framework is focused on two material-based approaches, for training DNPUs to compute supervised learning tasks: evolution in matter and digital twin models. While the evolution in matter focuses on providing a quicker exploration of newly manufactured single units of DNPUs, the digital twin approach is used for the design and simulation of the interconnection between DNPUs, enabling to explore its scalability.

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It provides different default algorithms for brains-py, that already add several features that are particular to dopant-networks.


Main package for handling all related simulations and hardware measurements of dopant-networks.


A set of classes to provide support in useful tasks that are typically required when using the library.